
Preduzece EMM. D. KOUMAKIS SA osnovano je 1979, kao ostvarenje vizije njenog osnivaca Emanuel Kumakis, da napravi dinamicnu i inovativnu kompaniju koja ce oblasti industrije ponuditi elemente za prenos snage, transportere i opremu.

Danas je preduzece EMM. D. KOUMAKIS SA smesteno u sopstvenim objektima koji obuhvataju fabriku, kancelarije i magacin u Industrijskoj zoni u Solunu. Takodje, otvoreno je jos magacina, manjih prodavnica, salona i kancelarija smestenih u Solunu, Atini i Iraklionu na Kritu, ukupne povrsine preko 22.000m2.

Tokom poslednje decenije, EMM. D. KOUMAKIS SA sa jasnom strategijom dokazivanja svoje pozicije i u inostranstvu, prosiruje se u Jugoistocnu Evropu. Danas, predstavništva u Srbiji (KUMAKIS D.O.O.)- Beograd, Bugarskoj (KOUMAKIS E.O.O.D.) sa lokacijama u Sofiji I Plovdivu, Rumuniji (KOUMAKIS INDUSTRIAL S.R.L.)-Bukurest, Turskoj (KOUMAKIS HEREKET ILETME LTD)-Istambul, Albaniji (KOUMAKIS SH.P.K.) -Tirana, I do kraja 2012. Kosovu i F.Y.R. Makedoniji, uspesno su nasla svoja mesta na trzistu.

EMM. D. KOUMAKIS SA nalazi se na poziciji lidera u oblasti industrije za komponente transportnih sistema i sistema za prenos snage. Tome su doprineli:

• Zastupnistvo i saradnja sa preko 250 inernacionalnih brendova kao sto su HABASIT, SIEMENS, TIP TOP, GATES, RENOLD, DUNLOP, SANDVIK, THK, ROSSI, BOSCH REXROTH, KABELSCHLEPP, FLEXCO, WAM, MOTOVARIO i ELECTO ADDA.

• Najsavremenija oprema u skladistima i distributivni sistem (WMS) za brzu i tacniju isporuku kupcima.

• Obuka i razvoj strucnosti zaposlenih u korisnickom servisu kako bi kupcima ponudili najbolja resenja, uslove, kvalitet i cene materijala.

• Implementacija standarda o kvalitetu ISO 9001:2000, kako bi se osigurala sto efektnija podrska korisnickog servisa.

• Poseban sistem ekonomske organizacije i kompjuterizacija (CRM, Forecasting).

Navedeni progres kompanije EMM. D. KOUMAKIS SA doveo je do stvaranja strategijskih saveza kako na trzistu Grcke, tako i na trzistu cele Evrope, Srednjeg Istoka, Afrike i Amerike.

Konstantnim ulaganjem u osoblje i visoko-tehnicke proizvode, kompanija EMM. D. KOUMAKIS SA se obavezala na efikasnije partnerske odnose kako sa dobavljacima, tako i sa kupcima.

  • koumakis
  • koumakis
  • koumakis

Oblasti Primene

1. Tekstilna Industrija

2. Stamparije, Poste, Papirna Industrija

3. Drvna Industrija

4. Duvanska Industrija

5. Prehrambena Industrija

6. Poljoprivredna Industrija

7. Trake za Aerodrome

8. Masinska Industrija

9. Pakovanje & Punjenje

10. Auto-industrija & Proizvodnja Guma

11. Rudarska Industrija & Cementare

12. Proizvodnja mermera, opeke i plocica

13. Celicna i Metalna Procesna Industrija

14. Reciklaza i Tretman Otpada

15. Hemijska, Uljna i Gasna Industrija

16. Energetska Industrija, Prirodni i Obnovljivi Izvori

ISO Certificate



Our Company Emm. D. Koumakis SA, for many years has been involved with commercial import/export, commercial representations and sales of Industrial Power Transmission Products as well as the Processing, Cutting, Joining, implementation, maintenance and Service of Conveyor Belts, Power Transmission Belts and Conveying Systems in general. The Company throughout the years has achieved maximum reliability combined with the optimal interaction toward its customer base, and at the same time respecting in an absolute fashion all the legislature involved with this activity. All of the aforesaid attributes have helped in establishing the company as one of the leaders on the field having at the same time two very distinct advantages:

The management of Emm. D. Koumakis SA fully commits to the current legislation based on the existing commercial rules. The management along with all personnel involved have complete knowledge and abide by fully, the Quality Policy that has been structured and is followed by Emm. D. Koumakis SA.

  • That the policy which it follows is suitable for the purpose and the services it provides and is according to the Management System that is applied in line with the Quality of the provided services.
  • To provide a distinct framework for the achievement of Quality Reasons and Quality Targets.
  • For the compliance and maintenance of legislation and commercial rule.
  • For the establishment of accountable Quality Targets and their accomplishment.
  • For the full involvement of all Personnel to this effect.
  • For the continuous strive to upgrade the Quality System in place though the applied Management system and in full accordance to the ISO 9001: 2015 standard.
  • For the Accessibility and Publication of it to whom it may concern.
  • For the implication, maintenance, review and constant improvement of this Policy and the M.S.

 The Basic Criteria for the implementation of the Policy are:

  • The Commitment of the management to Provide all the necessary funds and means to ensure the unobstructed, efficient and effective operation of the company along with the correct allocation of natural means.
  • The absolute effect of the Hellenic as well as the European legislation and the international standards , to operate the company.
  • The determination of the Quality targets and the systematic observation and review of its implementation.
  • The communication and briefing to whom it may concern, so that they are informed for our status and the results of our continuous efforts to improve our Quality Standards.
  • The continuous education and sensitization of all our personnel and business associates to encourage their dynamic is commitment on our effort to improve the Provide Services and the working environment.
  • The Pro – active approach on all of the organization and by all means, in order to ensure the avoidance of all dangers, that could potentially harm the Quality of the provided services.

 The present Policy is updated and reviewed accordingly in cases of major and substantial alterations on the operational subject of the company, or following special occurrences, and all such is reviewed on the actual retrospect of the Total Management System.

Thessaloniki 01 Mai 2017

Koumakis Dimitris


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Lokali Contact



Antifasisticke borbe 38 Lok:2i3 11070 Novi, Beograd

Phone: +381 (11) 3015246
Fax: +381 (11) 3119922

E-mail: serbia@koumakis.gr

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